
Minutes of Meeting 16th July

Minutes Uploaded on August 13, 2024



Minutes of meeting 16 July


1018/24      Apologies:

1019/24       Declaration of Interest- Alison Legg – Sits on the planning committee but comes with an open mind to the NP Discussion agenda item (7)

 1020/24       General Public Attendees:  Alan Ball Trent and Dove, Barry Gosling Gill Jevons – would like to raise a concern about the state of the above property.  The garage is falling down following fire damage and a very overgrown front and side garden, which is badly overhanging the pavement. I am not sure if there is anything you can do or suggest to get the owner to clear the rubbish and cut back shrubbery and of course deal with the partly demolished garage. Clr Legg to report this issue to ESBC In Relation to the current tenant this will be reported as a safeguarding issue

Emergency Duties Team Care and Welfare Team 124 Heath road

1021/24        Trent and Dove Funday 28th of Aug. 21 stall holders confirmed, Paper copies digital marketing. Friday the 23rd there will be a community litter pick prior to the event to ensure the area is free from litter – all food and entertainment is free for the children.

Bacon and Sausages to be provided by the parish – Proposed by Clr Legg all In favour

1022/24       McMillan Coffee Morning September Request to price match £100 donated by Trent and Dove – Proposed by Allison all in favour

1023/24       Current Vacancies: 2 – Barry Gosling to be Co Opted after discussion in private and Confidential.

1024/24       Neighbourhood Plan – Plan is not due to be renewed to 2031, Councillor Legg raises concerns over the green space development plans. Concerns over boundary changes along with other issues. Councillor Legg would like this updating and clarifying in relation to spare pockets of land. Councillors have discussed the boundary changes that have also made the plan out of date. Councillors also discussed the removal of leisure status from 300 Rosliston Road. Clerk to email Alison Legg correspondence from Niomi Parry

1025/24       Allotments – All Councillors have Voted to serve Notice on the current Committee by one year notice. All In Favour

1026/24       Approval of Previous Mins. Proposed by Clr Beresford Seconded Clr Smith

1027/24       Website – Request for Content from councillors- Clerk to distribute emails and laptops

1028/24       County & Borough Councillor’s Reports (B Clr Legg)

                    Stapenhill park has retained its Green Flag Status

9 potholes have been reported to Highways

Petfood bank and health and hygiene bank storage – can we use the parish Lockup – All in favour.

Parish Council to do a tombola – not to be sold to any one under the age of 18. The suicide rate amongst young males is extremely high, so is there an opportunity to create a group at the community Centre – Debt collector – Possible people from Ferry Street.

1029/24       Ongoing Projects: a) Community Centre Memorial Bench, Vote to purchase a second Bench for Ian Gibson  B) Peace Garden, Paul Stead has agreed to provide all the flowers and trees. C) Cumberland Road  Proposed by Clr Bullock and Seconded by Clr Legg  Working group for Cumberland Road Clr Chester, Clr Bentley Clr Legg – Alan Ball Trent and Dove

1030/24       Finances Proposed Bclr Legg – Seconded Clr Chester

Clerk Parish Wages £1338.48
Clerk Community Centre Wages £1688.31
Clerk Election Day £167.31
Glasdon Memorial Bench and Plaque £1,747.1

1031/24       Any Other Business. Fly Tipping is a problem

Damage to heath road Mugger ESBC are looking to repair it.

Clerk Report issue with Hawthorne Cresent to highways.

1032/24       Exclusion of Press & Public:

1033/24       Private & Confidential: All in favour of Voting Barry Gossling and has accepted the position.


Meeting Closed at 7.55

Date of Next Meeting 13th August 6pm