
Minutes of Meeting 7th May

Minutes Uploaded on July 16, 2024



Minutes of meeting 07 May


1015 AGAR and Audit Update

1016 Apologies:  CLr Bullock

1017 General Public Attendees: Alan Ball Trent and Dove

1018 Current Vacancies: We currently still have three vacancies in the Parish – we have requested that all Councillors look to find new councillors.

1019 Approval of Previous Mins. All Approved.

1020 Website – Completed and Approved

1021 Allotments: The current lease proposal has been rejected again, Chair Bott proposed removal of Current tenant, seconded by Councillor Legg. All councillors in favour of serving notice on the allotment society and taking it back under Stapenhill Parish Council Control

1022 Trent and Dove Funday 28th of Aug.

1023 County & Borough Councillor’s Reports (BClr Legg) Nothing to report due to Elections

1024 Ongoing Projects: a) Community Centre Bench, B) Peace Garden, C) War Memorial

1025 Finances, Alison Legg proposed and seconded by C Smith

Premier Electrical Electrical Kitchen £495.33
Café Bistro Style Community Centre £120
Clerk Parish Wages £1338.48
Clerk Community Centre Wages £1870.83
Community Centre Yearly Rental Waterside Community Centre £600

1027 Any Other Business: Rosliston Road – Extremely bad road condition with the potholes, raised by Cllr McClelland, advised to contact Highways.

Lotus Enrichment Centre – Does Clr Bullock own that building, if so he needs to declare it as a declaration of interest.

1028 Exclusion of Press & Public: None

1029 Private & Confidential: None



Date of Next Meeting 11th June 6pm