
Next meeting

Waterside community centre Heath road

Our next parish meeting . All members of the public are welcome to join in and have your say on what you feel needs bringing to our attention. We are looking for new members and come along if you want to help your local community.

Parish Council meeting

Waterside community centre Heath road

Our meetings are held at the Waterside community centre at 6.30 all are welcome to attend.

Waterside Community Centre Litter Pick

Waterside community centre Heath road

In anticipation of the Trent and Dove Funday on the 28th of August we are holding a litter pick to improve the condition of the area We will be providing refreshments for all volunteers

Trent and Dove Funday

Waterside community centre Heath road

Trent and Dove will be holding there annual Funday at Waterside Community Centre There will be lots of events, stalls and activities along with free food for the kids Cost £1 on entry


MacMillan Coffee Afternoon

Stapenhill Parish Council would like to invite you to our Macmillan Coffee Afternoon in with partnership the following organisations: Waterside Community Centre Café Bistro Style Lotus Care Services Trent and Dove Housing On average in the UK, some one is diagnosed with Cancer at least every 90 seconds, but with your help and support we […]