
Minutes June Meeting 2023

Minutes Uploaded on April 13, 2024


Minutes June 2023

  1. Apologies: Becky Brady
  2. AGM – Vote in a Vice Chair  Mark Bullock
  3. Community Centre Update: Kitchen purchase by the Parish all appliances – work tops cupboards etc. / Kings Coronation Update: Went really well as an event – unfortunately the weather was an issue. Very Good Event.
  4. Parish Office Cost £1500 Alison Proposed all in favour
  5. Highways Petition – Clerk Requested a digital image to put on Facebook – petition has not been very successful online due to the technical element of the petition as it freezes and crashes on a regular basis.

Action: Clerk to write to MP and Highways (same letter as previous- Police re speeding on main street re the lorrys and road damage. Radio Derby –  About the state of the roads and high volume of HVG – Looking for a weight limit

  1. County & Borough Councillor’s Reports Nothing from County – Re surfacing of Watwerside road Cumberland road and Rosliston road end to end.

Last Thursday the meeting with the Police chief- it came to light that Stapenhill has as much Anti social behaviour as windsul.

Ward Councillor  Simon met with Council Legg, who requested Funding for solar panels and sports equipment for Waterside community Centre

Jumble sale

Paulet Highschool is looking to expand its head count for students by 100 to over 1000 students

Short Street café Pantry is open every day – any one is welcome to use it.

Funday on August the 26th.

Ferry Street Petition to install speed calming measures (Councillor Bullock to look at the procedure to look at this.

Police Chief has funds to Archery Tag request for March Funding for dodge ball

Request Kay Bently to attend the next Parish meeting. All in favour


  1. Correspondence: Kate Bowskill (Fivelands Ginal) Land Registery ( What number is the Barbour’s). Bill Turner may have the map for the development Registery map.
  2. Purchase of Grounds Maintenance Equipment (Purchase of Strimmer’s, Hedge Cutters, Wheel Barrow, Mower, Spades rakes Hoe’s.) All in favour
  3. Parish Projects – Cumberland road – need to speak to Trent and Dove – Arron Stringer – re the meeting.
  4. Finances
David Briggs Parish Wages £592.02
David Briggs Community Center Wages £879.75
Khoo Systems Website £46.50
David Briggs Laptop Bag M Bott Wireless Mouse and Keyboard M Bott

Parish Office Keyboard and Mouse





Stapenhill Institute Defibrillator £500.00

Note Jb and CS

All Voted for and passed

  1. Any Other Business:

Horthorn Cresent, Parking is an issue by the special needs school.  Parking is no longer a police issue – it is enforcement.

Jumble Sale car boot, Leaflet

Waterside Path Wants trimming  – But unfortunately due to nesting we cannot cut them until 24th of August

Open Training event for the laptops

DBs – Food Hygiene

Parish to Pay the Kitchen Ect. Alison proposed voted on by all.


  1. Exclusion of Press & Public None


  1. Private & Confidential



Date of Next Meeting 29th June (AGAR)